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Dickson Food Pantry Is a Lifeline to a Multi-Generational Family

Your support gives hope to neighbors of all ages. For people on low and fixed monthly incomes, you’re a true lifeline.

We recently met Maudie, a caring grandmother who lives in Dickson. She raised her children here and worked many years at an auto machine shop before she retired. Now in her golden years, Maudie’s taken on the role of parent once again — she has custody of her grandson, who she’s raising on her own.

Living on a fixed income with a growing teenager

Like many seniors today, the cost of living can be more than Maudie can afford. To help lessen the financial burden, she and her grandson are living with a family member while she saves for an affordable home of their own.

With a growing teenage boy who has a big appetite, it’s important to Maudie that she fills the family table with healthy, balanced meals.

She does her best to provide for his needs by making hearty breakfasts – like oatmeal and eggs – to keep him full and focused for school each day.

“Thank you for helping the people who need it!”

When money is tight, Maudie has a place to turn — thanks to you. A few years ago she learned about Dickson County Help Center, a Second Harvest Partner Agency near her neighborhood.

She says it’s a comfort to know she can go to the center’s food pantry for help with groceries. Maudie chooses healthy items she can use to make meals that stretch for several days.

“Thank you for helping the people who need it,” she says to friends like you. “I think it’s wonderful that people can come here and get food!”

Inspired to help other seniors on fixed incomes? Learn how to donate to Second Harvest . We offer many options including one time and recurring gifts. 


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