What better way to celebrate the growth and renewal of Spring than to take part in the art of gardening? There’s no better time to get started, because April is National Garden Month, a time where communities across the nation are invited to join in and honor the rich tradition of gardening – whether it’s in our own backyards, schoolyards, or within the wider community.
At Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee, we recognize the importance of cultivating gardens not only for personal enjoyment but also for their significant contributions to sustainability and fighting hunger. As an integral part of the ecosystem, gardens provide vital habitats for pollinators such as bees, birds, and butterflies, playing a crucial role in maintaining a healthy environment for all. That’s why our revolutionary community garden, Project Grow, is overflowing with native flowering plants that are ready to feed Middle and West Tennessee’s pollinators.
Last year, we harvested over 1,800 pounds of fresh home grown produce from Project Grow. Think of all the tables this helped us fill! Food from Project Grow is transported to local Partner Agencies as quickly as possible, sometimes even the same day as it is harvested, to ensure we can put the maximum nutritional value possible on the plates of those facing hunger. Spring has already sprung at Project Grow, as we are seeing new life in garden.
As part of our commitment to advancing hunger solutions, Project Grow is also a space where community members can learn about agriculture. Weekly volunteer shifts and annual events give people the opportunity to get out in the garden, work with the soil, and learn about where their food comes from. Project Grow is teaching us just as much as it is feeding us.
During National Garden Month, we invite you to join us in celebrating the arrival of spring by tending to your garden, enjoying a public greenspace, or contributing to our agricultural effort, Project Grow. Let’s embrace the spirit of renewal and growth as we cultivate alongside nature and each other through the timeless act of gardening.