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This Middle Schooler Is Thankful for Your Kindness!

Michael is only in seventh grade, but he already knows what it’s like to overcome challenges. As an honor student in Nashville, Michael takes demanding classes. He loves science the most but admits his English as a Second Language class is difficult. Still, he enjoys reading in English, particularly graphic novels.

As captain of the school’s soccer team, Michael pushes himself — in practice and in games — to continually improve. But the hardest thing of all? Feeling hunger. He’s been there. “School is stressful,” he says, “but being hungry can be extra stressful.” He says that some of his soccer teammates “didn’t eat because they couldn’t.” But all that was before your support of Second Harvest helped improve access to nutritious food through his school. “Knowing that we can walk to the cafeteria and grab something helps a lot,” he says. “It’s nice to know we can just get snacks when we need them.”

Michael’s favorite snacks are applesauce and cereal, and he loves to get juice before playing soccer. These added boosts are just what a growing child needs!

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