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How Can You Help Fight Hunger on World Food Day?

Second Harvest is proud to join the global community in celebrating World Food Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness about hunger and the importance of healthy, accessible food for everyone. This day, observed annually on أكتوبر/ تشرين الأول 16, highlights a key message that resonates with us every day—everyone should have access to the food and […]

How Do Nutritious School Lunches Impact Student Success?

Access to nutritious meals is essential for every child’s growth, development, and happiness. As we celebrate National School Lunch Week, it’s the perfect time to highlight the importance of well-rounded school lunches and how they contribute to the health and success of students in our community.  Why School Lunch Matters  For many children, school lunch […]

Does Food Play a Role in Mental Health?

Food insecurity and mental health are closely linked and affect millions of people simultaneously. At Second Harvest Food Bank, we understand that recognizing the connection between both issues is essential for promoting overall well-being and empowering our community. Today, let’s explore how the lack of reliable access to nutritious food can impact mental health and […]

An Unforgettable Night

Celebrating 46 Years of Impact at Tapestry We are still reflecting on the magic of this year’s Tapestry event! It was an unforgettable evening where we had the opportunity to showcase Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee’s incredible 46-year journey. This special night wasn’t just about celebrating the past, but also spotlighting the people […]

Fighting Hunger with Amazon

Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee is honored to work alongside dedicated partners who share our commitment to fighting hunger. We want to extend our deepest thanks to Amazon for their unwavering support over the past seven years. Their generosity and hands-on involvement have made a significant impact in the lives of our neighbors.  […]

ماذا يعني انعدام الأمن الغذائي للأشخاص من مجتمع LGBTQIA+ في وسط وغرب تينيسي

طعام مع طبقة قوس قزح

Tennessee is home to approximately 225,000 LGBTQIA+ people, including approximately 30,800 people who identify as transgender. LGBTQIA+ Tennesseans are your neighbors, your family, your coworkers, and your community members. LGBTQIA+ Tennesseans deserve to be safe, respected, celebrated, and never have to worry about where their next meal may come from.  LGBTQIA+ Tennesseans face an unsupportive […]

هل يمكنك الاحتفال بشهر تاريخ المرأة مع Second Harvest؟

سوزان مورتون، متطوعة في برنامج الحصاد الثاني

يأتي المتطوعون إلى Second Harvest بهدف مكافحة الجوع لأسباب أكثر مما يمكننا إحصاؤها. يأتي البعض هنا للمساعدة في إعادة بناء مجتمعاتهم، ويأتي البعض الآخر لرد الجميل بعد تلقي المساعدة بأنفسهم، ويأتي البعض للاحتفال بقدرة المرأة على الصمود والقوة على مر التاريخ. يعد شهر تاريخ المرأة وقتًا مهمًا […]

هل يساعد برنامج SNAP الأشخاص على عيش حياة أكثر صحة؟

علامة SNAP على باب متجر بقالة

يعد برنامج SNAP مصدرًا حيويًا للمساعدات الغذائية للعديد من الأمريكيين ذوي الدخل المنخفض، كما يشكل أساسًا مهمًا لصحة ورفاهية المستفيدين، حيث يعمل على انتشال الملايين من براثن الفقر، والحد من انعدام الأمن الغذائي بنسبة تصل إلى 30٪. 70% من المستفيدين من برنامج SNAP هم في أسر لديها أطفال، وأكثر من ربعهم هم أسر بها كبار السن [...]

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